Rodne Cislo is the unique number, the "Birth Number", assigned to every single person living in Czech Republic. This number consist of 10 digits in which first 6 digits are derived from date of birth and the sex of the person. The remaining 4 digits are the random digits which give uniqueness to the birth number and it can be and can be anywhere between 0000 and 9999. This number considered valid if it is divisible by 11 with no remainder.
People born before the year 1954 has birth number in same format but contains only 9 numbers and it is not divisible by 11.
How to validate Rodné číslo?
The format of Rodné číslo could be XXXXXX/XXXX or XXXXXX/XXX where X is digits.
The 3rd digit in this format could be 0,1,2,3,5,6 or 7. The digits at the position 3rd and 4th indicate the month of person's date of birth and the sex of the person.
If the person's sex is Female then 50 added to the month. For example, if a person's month of birth is september then 09 is used if the person is male or else 59 is used.
At some places 20 is added to the month if the sex is male and 70 is added to the month if sex is female.
The digits at the position 5 and 6 is the day of birth. So the max value of at this position could be 31.
The next 3 digits are random numbers between 000 to 999.
The 10th digit in the birth number is introduced since 1954 and it is the control number.
The modulo 11 of the birth number that is generated since 1954 should be 0. If it is generated before 1954 then this check is not required.
Limitation of this utility?
This utility does not support the year of birth greater than 2054.
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