YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) and TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language.) are the popular data serialization formats used in modern software development. Both of them are widely accepted to create the configuration files. A YAML-TOML converter is a tool that allows you to convert data between the two formats. This tool can be helpful when you have data in YAML but need to use it in a system that supports TOML format and vice versa.
How does the data represent itself in YAML format?
In YAML data is represented using a combination of indentation and specific characters to denote data types and structures. As a human-readable serialization language, YAML can be used for configuration files and to exchange data between different programming languages.
Data in YAML is represented as key-value pairs with keys being strings and values being any valid type of YAML data.
name: Sam
age: 23
isMarried: true
- cooking
- coding
street: 123 Just St
city: Onecity
state: AB
zip: '12345'
- Scalar Values: Scalar values can be represented as plain scalars or quoted scalars. Plain scalars are unquoted and can include strings, numbers, booleans, null, and timestamps. Quoted scalars are surrounded by single or double quotes and can include special characters as well.
- Collections: Collections are ordered sequences of items, which can be represented as a list or an associative array. Lists are represented using a dash (-) followed by a space, and associative arrays are arranged as key-value pairs separated by a colon (:). Collections can be nested to represent more complex data structures.
- Comments: YAML supports single-line and multi-line comments. Single-line comments begin with the # character, and multi-line comments begin with /* and end with */.
How does the data represent itself in TOML format?
TOML is used in situations where a human-readable and straightforward configuration format is required. Its minimalistic design and focus on readability make it an appealing choice for a wide range of applications and use cases. In TOML data is represented using a simple and intuitive syntax.
name = "Sam"
age = 23
isMarried = true
hobbies = ["cooking","coding"]
street = "123 Just St"
city = "Onecity"
state = "AB"
zip = "12345"
- Tables: Table can be represented as represent key-value pairs grouped together. A table is denoted by a header enclosed in square brackets, like [table_name]. Tables can be nested to create hierarchical structures.
- Key-Value Pairs: The basic unit in TOML is a key-value pair, where a key is separated from its corresponding value by an equals sign (=) or a colon (:).
- Arrays: Arrays in TOML are represented by enclosing the elements within square brackets ([]). Elements can be of any TOML data type, and arrays can be heterogeneous (containing different data types).
- Dates and Times: Dates and times are represented using specific formats. Dates follow the YYYY-MM-DD format, while times follow the HH:MM:SS format. Date-time value with the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.fff can also include an optional timezone offset. The
character separates the date and time components. - Multiline Strings: Multiline strings are represented by enclosing the string in triple quotes """ or '''. The string can then span multiple lines, and the indentation within the triple quotes will be preserved.
- Comments: TOML supports both single-line and multi-line comments. Single-line comments begin with the # character, and multi-line comments are created using multiple single line comments.
TOML provides a flexible and easy-to-read way to represent data in a structured format. It is commonly used used to support configuration settings in different applications using multiple programming languages.
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